Here is what our new team is all about!  Please contact the Church Office if you are interested. (403)255-0001


Terms of Reference - St. Andrew’s Communications Team

The role of the St. Andrews Communication Team is to plan, coordinate, streamline and develop implementation and management strategies to enable optimal communication at St. Andrew’s. The Communications Team shall have oversight of all the communication platforms at St. Andrew’s including the church website, newsletter, worship guide, in-service audio visual, social media, event photography, annual report and congregation-wide correspondence and email. The Communications Team will be accountable to the Lead Minister and Session, seeking guidance as required from the Lead Minister and reporting to Session on a regular basis. The Team shall have at least one member who is an elder at St. Andrew’s.

The Communications Team shall:

  • Work collaboratively with the Communications Coordinator, inviting the Communications coordinator to Team meetings;
  • Identify issues and barriers to effective and timely communication with all demographic groups in the congregation and develop strategies to improve the overall quality of communication;
  • Review and update communication strategies on a regular basis;
  • Ensure that communication strategies address

Consistency of messaging,

Messaging in a respectful and worshipful tone,

Messaging consistent with the Vision at St. Andrew’s, and

The communication of information in a timely manner.

  • Plan and supervise implementation of communication related to major activities at St. Andrew’s such as new initiatives, events and campaigns;
  • Identify and mobilize resources such as volunteers to assist the Communications Team and the Communications Coordinator
  • Provide guidelines as required to Team Convenors and others in the preparation of articles for ConnXions and the Annual Report;
  • Connect with Team Convenors to ensure news of upcoming events and recent successes are communicated to the congregation; and
  • Create and manage a calendar of communication deadlines to ensure efficiency and timeliness of communication to the congregation and community for events at St. Andrew’s.