Why does a congregation need a fresh vision for ministry? The past 60 years have seen many changes in Canadian society. Consequently, there are a growing number of Canadians who declare that they have “no religion”, leading to the decline of the Church. Congregations can no longer expect people to “come and see”. Today congregations need to “go and be”, by being visible and active in the wider community, loving our neighbours, demonstrating what Christianity is. This is at the heart of what is called the missional church, which is the style of congregation we aspire to be. If you wish to learn more about our changing society and the idea of the missional church, see our three videos from a 2022 workshop called What? So What? Now What?  

 A mission statement describes an organization’s core purpose and a vision statement describes how an organization wants things to be when they are successful pursuing their mission. St. Andrew’s MISSION is,                  

Woven into the neighbourhood, growing disciples who love like Jesus. 

 The consequence we desire—OUR VISION—is captured in,  

Growing. Life. Together. With God.  

GROWING: Our call is to invite and encourage people to flourish in faith, and empowered through Christ, to engage our gifts for the benefit of others and our world.  

LIFE: Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, as experienced firsthand in Word and Sacrament, has the power to change, create and transform us and all creation.  

TOGETHER: We are committed to a deep sharing of our lives in abundant community where people of diverse age, race, sexual orientation, thought and experience are welcomed in a place that feels like home.  

WITH GOD: We are created for meaningful companionship with the Triune God and our highest aim is to prayerfully seek the Spirit’s guidance and embody the will of God through our everyday living.  

An organization’s STATED VALUES are qualities we aim to live out in all we do. They include,  

Accepting: Honouring different ways of thinking, perspectives, languages, cultures, races and genders, enabling the Spirit’s creative spark to bring forth new possibilities.  

Compassionate: Opening our hearts and minds to the suffering of others and responding with mercy and grace.   

Courageous: Seeking out new and bold ways to glorify and advance God’s purposes in the world, knowing we are never alone.    

Generous: Making the interests of others greater than our own.  

Missional: Discerning from God to whom we are sent, as we grow flourishing life in our world.  

Serving: Demonstrating Christ’s love, with a willing heart, for God and others.  

Welcoming: Inviting you to experience God’s presence and love in community, whoever you are and whatever your circumstances. 



Watch our Mission Statement Drone Video