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Please join co-leaders Jari-Lynn Eckert and Margaret Bruhjell-Holmes as we study together for 6 weeks beginning Tuesday, October 3 from 1:45 – 3:15 pm in the Upper Room at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.

We will be studying the faith based 2023 book Anxiety, Depression, and Jesus: Finding hope in all Things by Aaron Hoover. This book is available for purchase from Amazon (paper version or e-book). With The Edge after school program commencing soon, we want to arm you with great information that not only impacts the mental health of adults but of young teens as well.

For those of us feeling the weight of mental illness, or knowing someone who does, we don’t only need hope that our pain will go away. We need hope that even if it lasts, God is still good. He promises never to leave us, and he’s sovereign over every minute of our pain and difficulty. In Anxiety, Depression, and Jesus, Aaron Hoover normalizes the relationship between faith and suffering.

Aaron is a pastor who has battled anxiety and depression for two decades and is compassionate and empathetic toward the similar experiences of others. If you are suffering—Aaron’s writing is a great reminder that you’re not alone, you’re not crazy, and there is a God who is with you.

For further information and to register please contact:
Margaret Bruhjell-Holmes
403 510-4616 

Currently, due to overwhelming demand for this relevant and current book for bible study groups,  the soft cover copies are sold out and not available at the time of the study. 


  1. Hardcopy version of the book:  $39.13 
  2. Kindle, or Kobo download:        $ 6.99

If you would like to first see a copy of either version of the book prior to making a purchase,  contact Margaret or Jari-Lynn.  They have access to all 3 versions:  hard cover, soft cover and the download Kindle version. Please contact them and they will arrange for you to view them. If you are new to using a download version, both Jari-Lynn and Margaret would be available to show you how to obtain it.