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Zoom Information:

SAFE Workshop:  Mar 16, 23, 30 & Apr 6

Meeting ID: 842 7245 6254

Passcode: 019437

Throughout Lent, the SAFE team (Human Sexuality Task Force) is planning a 4-week series of evening workshops with expert guest speakers who will lead us in discussion around a variety of topics.

These sessions will enhance our understanding and facilitate discernment of the ways in which we will live out our Vision and Mission, not only in relation to the PCC resolutions around marriage and ordination of LGBTQ ministers and elders but in all of our life and work as a community of faith.

The workshops will be held on Zoom (See Above). We hope that you can make a commitment to attend all four sessions since the sessions build on each other.

March 16 - Why do we want to talk about sexuality at church?   Centre for Sexuality

March 23 - Who is welcome at church?  Am I safe here?  Pam Rocker and video 'Not All Are Welcome'

March 30 - What does the bible say about diversity and inclusion?   Rev. Dr. Pat Dutcher-Walls

April 6 - Where do we go from here? What does this mean going forward?  Gregg Smith, Mark Tremblay and elders, clerk of sessions. 

Background: HERE