New to Zoom?
Watch the YouTube Tutorial Videos at the link on the bottom of this page and read or print the materials below.

Sorry that the videos may have an advertisement or 2 at the start but that is what you pay for "free".

How do I join an Online Zoom Meeting

o   If you haven’t already done so, please install the Zoom app on your iPad or tablet or download the Zoom software on your computer.  (Note:  the bigger the screen you have, the more faces you will see.  (iPhones/smart phones will not allow you to see many people, but if that’s what you have, you’ll still be able to connect!)

o   Please sign in 10 minutes before the start time by clicking on the link provided above or copying and pasting it into your browser. Just follow the prompts which appear on your screen. Click on “Open Zoom Meetings” then “Join with Video.” You will be placed in a waiting room until the host admits you. When prompted click on “Join with computer audio.”

What do I do if I need help during on Online Meeting

o   Use the chat feature to ask a question of our co-host. To use the chat feature:  locate the chat icon on your menu bar which will either appear at the bottom or top of your screen.  When you click on “Chat” it will open a window along the side of your screen and you will be able to type messages in a box.

How can I rename my device name into My Name

 o   It would be helpful to be able to identify one another. If your name does not appear at the bottom of the square in which you appear, right click on the words in the lower left corner of your square on the screen.  Click on “rename.” Please type your name in the box that appears and click “ok.”  This should change the name that identifies you from your device name (i.e. iPad or galaxy, etc.) so we will all know who you are.

Why is my Microphone sometimes going to be Muted?

o   All participants will be muted on entry so although we will see one another, we will not be able to use our audio (microphone) to chat.

o   Zoom is designed for spoken voices and picks up the loudest sound it detects whether that is a voice, laugh or a cough.  We all have different internet speeds available to us so there will be different lag times for each of us.

o   When it is time for congregational discussion, we will unmute all mics.  If for some reason your microphone is still muted and you can’t be heard if you wish to speak, please locate your microphone button on the left corner of your menu bar.  By clicking on it, you will be able to unmute yourself to speak. You will get the best sound from headphones or an external speaker rather than the built-in computer speakers, especially in older models.

Why can't people see me?

 o   Please ensure that your video is on (again you will find an icon of a video camera on your menu bar at the top or bottom of your screen). If the video camera has a red slash through it, click on it to remove the slash and your camera will be on and we should be able to see you.  If you don’t have a webcam on your computer, you will see other participants, but we will not see you, and your name or device name will appear in a black box. 

o   Please sit in bright light directly in front of your camera so we can see one another easily.

Why can I only see a few people, not everyone?

 o   There are 2 ways for you to view participants. In the corner of your screen you will see either Speaker View or Gallery View.  It indicates the alternative to the view you are currently in.  When you see “Speaker” you are in gallery view and you can see small images of each participant with up to 25 faces on each page.  An arrow on the right side of your page will allow you to click to the next page of participants. An arrow on the left side of the page will allow you to go back to a previous page.  When you see “Gallery” you are in speaker view and the image of whoever is speaking will appear larger and there will be a column of other participants that you can scroll down to see additional faces of 5 or so at a time.

Links to YouTube Videos to assist you with Zoom
These videos will really help! Just click on the name and the YouTube will open up on a new panel.