Reserve your place at the table

by sending us your $100 donation and then enjoy a dining experience of your own making at home! We will be providing you with online dinner entertainment in September, with more details to follow.

Due to the pandemic we will NOT be able to gather in person for our annual fall fundraising event. That means there will be no dinner held at the church this year. But while there will be no dinner, we would be most grateful for your dollars! The need to continue our fundraising efforts is great because God is still calling the people of St. Andrew’s to be God’s faithful servants in the world.

The fundraising goal for THE BEST DINNER YOU NEVER HAD is $10,000. If we receive 100 donations of $100 each then we will reach our goal easily. With your help we can do this! This is what Growing LIFE Together with God is about. While we are looking for donations of $100 or more, please know any amount you can donate will help. Your donation may be made online or you may mail a cheque to the church office.

If you have questions, please email Cathy Millar at or call Dolly at the church office at 403-255-0001 for assistance with your donation. THANK YOU from your Stewards by Design team. This is guaranteed to be THE BEST DINNER YOU NEVER HAD!

(CLICK HERE) To Donate Online: