The St. Andrew's Men's Fellowship provides men in our congregation with an opportunity to gather regularly and informally for fellowship . Breakfasts are held on the fourth Saturday of the month in Trinity Hall from January through May and September through November. At each meeting Fellowship teams take a turn preparing a delicious breakfast, followed by a time of humour, and a presentation from a guest speaker. Each breakfast normally concludes with a short devotional.

The men's Fellowship also contributes to the life and work of our church annually by hosting a pancake supper prior to Ash Wednesday worship service. Profits from the breakfast and from the pancake supper are donated to a charitable cause.

Upcoming breakfast are normally publicized in the ConnXions newsletter, on the church website, and on posters throughout the church. If you are a St. Andrew's man, young or young-at-heart and have not yet joined us, please consider coming out to an upcoming Fellowship breakfast. We want to get to know you better!

Have a question about the Men's Fellowship that you don't see here? Call us at the office -

1 (403) 255-0001