We practice many different ministries of care so that with God’s help we can reach out to others.

These ministries of care are grounded in the grace and kindness of GOD. Out of this experience we are inspired to treat others with similar grace and kindness. 

Ministries of care are enriched by a GROWING personal faith that can nourish greater compassion and the desire to support and listen with empathy to others.

Ministries of care enable us to offer a ministry of presence throughout the LIFE journeys of celebrations and concerns to others. Through us, people can experience Christ with them.

Ministries of care testify to our shared commitment to support each other by creating opportunities to be TOGETHER through visits, phone calls, or video communications. Where two or more are gathered, Christ and his healing LIFE is present.

For more information about our Ministries of Care, please contact Judie Coleman, Ministries of Care Team Lead